Tuesday, December 21

Adolescent Napoleon Wrasse

FOTW National Geographic Diver Hilary Says... "You can tell how mature a Napoleon Wrasse is by the size of the lump on the forehead. I am really please to have seen a number of lump less Napoleon Wrasse this year in Sharm. Although they remain an endangered species they appear to be doing their best to buck the trend"

Thursday, December 9

FOTW and Wikileaks

With the prospect of anonymous cyber louts spamming our servers and depriving our wide web reradership from logging on for their weekly fish fix FOTW editors would like to make it quite clear that we have never had any relations with Wikileaks.
Having said that it does appear that World Leaders having been exposed for the stupid pillocks that they are, are now pretty pissed off. Once its appreciated that in the brave new information rich world indiscretions will out, the world will change.
And before you say it, we at FOTW do not read the Mail!

Wednesday, December 1

Arabian Angelfish

A signature fish of the Red Sea.

FOTW divers understand the importance of spotting your signature fish.