Wednesday, October 19

Fish of the Week - defies terrorism!

It's now only just over a week until the crack team of FOTW photgraphers, editorial staff, designers and trainees head off to Sharm and the Red Sea.

Watch out for up to date special features and photos from Tone (and all the usual irrelevant crap Pete writes) when we get back.

In Sharm we recomnend the Sinai Star fish restaurant in old Sharm Market, rather predictably the roof of the Camel Bar and definitely not buying anything that resembles a carpet or is made out of papyrus. Oh and we intend to go diving a bit and we love Emperor Divers so much we gave them all our money!


Anonymous said...


you're doing such a good job passing this type of stuff onto others

Anonymous said...

can i join you club or group - you're so great!